A-Z Charity Listing
Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.
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Everyone needs a home.
Social Services - Homeless
Toronto, ON
Not all heroes have homes.
Social Services - Housing
Calgary, AB
The Gift of Flight
Social Services
Toronto, ON
forever Christian
International Aid
Richmond Hill, ON
Empowering children at risk to become children of change
International Aid
Kelowna, BC
Extending compassion to the neglected poor.
International Aid
New Westminster, BC
Hope begins with a meal.
Social Services
Edmonton, AB
Improving Life, Providing Hope
Health - Palliative
Orangeville, ON
Compassionate care that celebrates life
Health - Palliative
Saint John, NB
Completing the circle of care
Health - Palliative
Kitchener, ON
Adding life to days
Health - Palliative
Toronto, ON
Better lives. Made possible by you.
Health - Hospital Foundation
Regina, SK
Serving Humanity Since 1980
International Aid
Ottawa, NS
Together saving more lives
International Aid
Ottawa, ON
Serving Mankind
Social Services
Concord, ON
Patient Care Reinvented.
Health - Hospital Foundation
Toronto, ON
A vision to change the world
Chilliwack, BC
Together. Working to tell our story.
Waterloo, ON
To build an Exemplary Canadian Muslim Community
Mississauga, ON
Empowering newcomer families to integrate into the wider community
Social Services
Winnipeg, MB