A-Z Charity Listing
Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.
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You hold the key
Social Services
Burnaby, BC
Bringing salmon back, stream by stream.
Vancouver, BC
Committed to improving pancreatic cancer survival and creating hope through awareness, education, patient support and research
Health - Cancer
Toronto, ON
Inclusive Communities. Responsive Healthcare. Healthier Lives.
Toronto, ON
Supporting Canadians with Parkinson's since 1965
Toronto, ON
Saving Lives, Revitalizing Communities, Transforming Global Health
International Aid
Toronto, ON
Providing nourishment and hope to those we serve.
Social Services - Food Bank (Distributor)
Kingston, ON
Find mental wellness in a safe place
Social Services - Homeless (Mental Health)
Richmond, BC
A better future for Canada starts with high school graduation
Toronto, ON
Quality health care. Close to home.
Health - Hospital Foundation
White Rock, BC
Small change. Big difference.
International Aid
Mississauga, ON
To glorify God
Mississauga, ON
Worshiping God as we make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Toronto, ON
Making great care possible.
Health - Hospital Foundation
Peterborough, ON
A residential treatment centre and outdoor leadership experience.
Social Services - At-Risk Youth
Toronto, ON
Plan to change the world
International Aid
Toronto, ON
Clean Air. Clean Water.
Toronto, ON
Freedom from addiction
Fundraising Organization
Montreal, QC
A world where people with a mental illness are able to lead productive and rewarding lives.
Social Services
Calgary, AB
Know Jesus. Change the World.
Langley, BC