A-Z Charity Listing
Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.
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Helping people. Healing pets.
Animal Welfare
Milton, ON
Sharing Knowledge, Giving Voice
International Aid
Ottawa, ON
Take a stand against family violence and abuse.
Social Services - Women
Calgary, AB
Envisioning a vibrant, inclusive and thriving Montreal Jewish Community
Fundraising Organization
Montreal, QC
Feeding hungry people, eliminating chronic hunger and alleviating poverty
Social Services - Food Bank (Multi-Service Agency)
Dartmouth, NS
Strengthening communities in Ontario by providing food banks with food, resources and solutions to address hunger
Social Services - Food Bank (Multi-Service Agency)
Toronto, ON
Leading the fight against blindness
Toronto, ON
Creating Pathways Out of Poverty
International Aid
Toronto, ON
Connect. Grow. Serve. Share. Building lives that honour God.
Calgary, AB
Providing equal access to quality education for kids in need since 2009
Mississauga, ON
Ensuring the safety and well-being of First Nations youth and their families.
Social Services
Ottawa, ON
Providing disaster preparedness and response
International Aid
Toronto, ON
Helping families thrive
Langley, BC
A 24-hour relay sport event to benefit children.
Health - Hospital Foundation
Mont-Tremblant, QC
To cure children with cancer: at the heart of our priorities
Health - Hospital Foundation
Montreal, QC
Mille et une facos de contribuer à s'offrier les meilleurs soins spécialisés
Health - Hospital Foundation
Québec, QC
Every patient deserves the best medicine tomorrow can deliver
Health - Hospital Foundation
Montreal, QC
The magic of research
Montreal, QC
Contributing to young people's academic success
Fundraising Organization
Lévis, QC
The patients are at the heart of the Fondation du CHUM's commitment.
Health - Hospital Foundation
Montreal, QC