A-Z Charity Listing
Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.
Please click on the first letter of the charity name you want to look up
Creative Culture. Better World.
Social Services - At-Risk Youth
Toronto, ON
What knowledge can do.
Health - Hospital Foundation
Toronto, ON
The UN Refugee Agency
International Aid
Ottawa, ON
For every child, everywhere.
International Aid
Toronto, ON
Feeding hope. Changing lives.
Social Services - Homeless
Vancouver, BC
Discover the power of prayer, action, and community.
Toronto, ON
To enhance the greater Jewish community
International Aid
Toronto, ON
To preserve and strengthen the quality of Jewish life in Greater Toronto, Canada, Israel, and around the world through philanthropic, volunteer and professional leadership
Fundraising Organization
Toronto, ON
Here. For each other.
Fundraising Organization
Burnaby, BC
Changing Lives. Together.
Fundraising Organization
Ottawa, ON
Investing in a better community for all of us.
Fundraising Organization
London, ON
United we can end poverty.
Fundraising Organization
Toronto, ON
United by compassion. Rich in opportunity. Free of poverty.
Fundraising Organization
Halifax, NS
Changing lives. Together.
Fundraising Organization
Hamilton, ON
Creating pathways and inspiring hope for a better tomorrow
Fundraising Organization
Edmonton, AB
Building a great city for all.
Fundraising Organization
Calgary, AB
Change Starts Here
Fundraising Organization
Fort McMurray, AB
We change lives.
Fundraising Organization
Moncton, NB
To build and strenthen our community
Fundraising Organization
Kingston, ON
Change starts here.
Fundraising Organization
Regina, SK