A-Z Charity Listing
Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.
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Empowering Abused Women & Children
Social Services - Women
Richmond Hill, ON
Strong start, great future.
Social Services
Toronto, ON
Leading with Purpose.
Social Services
New Westminister, BC
Bringing hope to Toronto since 1896
Social Services - Homeless
Toronto, ON
Education with impact.
Education - University
Toronto, ON
Supports and equips women, children, youth and families
Social Services
York, ON
To empower all young adults diagnosed with cancer to live and love life.
Health - Cancer
St. John's, NL
You were made for this
Langley, BC
Changing Lives Since 1968
Social Services - Youth
Toronto, ON
True transformation comes through relationships
Social Services - At-Risk Youth
Edmonton, AB
Lowering dropout rates through innovative projects
Montreal, QC
Investing in youth wholeness
Social Services - Youth
Toronto, ON
Discover. Grow. Shine.
Vancouver, BC
Ending homelessness…one youth at a time, one step at a time
Social Services - At-Risk Youth
Toronto, ON
A resource to youth and their families in Scarborough and Toronto
Social Services - Youth
Scarborough, ON
Enhancing Yukoners Healthcare
Health - Hospital Foundation
Whitehorse, YT
Women-centred. Brighter-future focused.
Social Services - Women
Calgary, AB
Change starts with community.
Social Services - Women
Vancouver, BC
A turning point for women.
Social Services - Women
Yellowknife, NT
A turning point for women.
Social Services - Women
Toronto, ON