A-Z Charity Listing

Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.

Please click on the first letter of the charity name you want to look up
  • W

    • War Amps [Charity Rating: 2/5]

      Amputees helping amputees.

      Social Services

      Ottawa, ON

    • War Child Canada [Charity Rating: 4/5]

      Education. Opportunity. Justice.

      International Aid

      Toronto, ON

    • Take refuge in the name of Jehovah


      Georgetown, ON

    • Water First [Charity Rating: 5/5]

      Strong communities. Safe, clean water.

      Social Services - First Nations

      Creemore, ON

    • Wateraid Canada [Charity Rating: 4/5]

      Water. Toilets. Hygiene.

      International Aid

      Ottawa, ON

    • Watoto Canada [Charity Rating: 2/5]

      No matter where you are you matter

      International Aid

      Burlington, ON

    • WCPD Foundation [Charity Rating: 1/5]

      The Originator of Flow-Through Donation Financing

      Public Benefit

      Ottawa, ON

    • WE Charity [Charity Rating: 1/5]

      Together WE Change the World.

      International Aid

      Toronto, ON

    • WE Charity Foundation [Charity Rating: 1/5]

      To ensure sustainable impact for generations to come.

      International Aid

      Toronto, ON

    • Welcome Hall Mission [Charity Rating: 3/5]

      Shelter. Food. Love.

      Social Services

      Montreal, QC

    • Wellspring Alberta [Charity Rating: 3/5]

      A Lifeline to Cancer Support

      Health - Cancer

      Calgary, ON

    • Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation [Charity Rating: 4/5]

      A lifeline to cancer support

      Health - Cancer

      Toronto, ON

    • Wesley [Charity Rating: 4/5]

      Support, every step of the way.

      Social Services - Homeless

      Hamilton, ON

    • West Park Foundation [Charity Rating: 1/5]

      get your life back

      Health - Hospital Foundation

      Toronto, ON

    • Weston King Neighbourhood Centre [Charity Rating: 2/5]

      People Come First

      Social Services - Homeless

      Toronto, ON

    • Wilderness Committee [Charity Rating: 4/5]

      Protecting Canada's wilderness and wildlife for over 35 years


      Vancouver, BC

    • Wildlife Conservation Society Canada [Charity Rating: 4/5]

      We Stand for Wildlife.


      Toronto, ON

    • Wildlife Preservation Canada [Charity Rating: 4/5]

      Canada's intensive care program for species at risk since 1985.


      Guelph, ON

    • Wilfrid Laurier University [Charity Rating: 5/5]

      Inspiring lives

      Education - University

      Waterloo, ON

    • Providing hospital services for the communities of Brampton, Etobicoke and Georgetown

      Health - Hospital Foundation

      Brampton, ON

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Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer, and homelessness. Today over 500,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.6 million charity reports. Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable and focused on results.


Be Informed. Give Intelligently. Have Impact


Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001