United Way of Saskatoon & Area

100-506 25th Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7K 4A7
CEO: Sheri Benson
Board Chair: Kara Leftly

Charitable Reg. #:11927 6509 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:

[Charity Rating: 4/5]



Audited financial statements for current and previous years available on the charity’s website.



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 73 cents are available for programs.

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About United Way of Saskatoon & Area:

United Way of Saskatoon and Area is a 4-star charity. It is financially transparent, has reasonable overhead costs, and average results reporting to donors. With its current reserves, the charity can cover slightly under one year of annual program costs.

Founded in 1959, United Way of Saskatoon and Area (UWS) raises funds to improve lives and build caring communities in the Saskatoon region by addressing the most prevalent human service needs. In the short-term, United Way Saskatoon invests in local programs to help meet immediate needs. United Way Saskatoon also participates in research, strategy development, partnerships, and advocacy to help create long-term change. Its grants and programs in F2022 focused in three areas: Building Strong Communities (40%), Moving People from Poverty to Possibility (38%) and Helping Kids Be All That They Can Be (22%).

United Way Saskatoon’s Building Strong Communities program supports mental health initiatives and aims to help connect people with their community. In F2022, one UWS-supported agency delivered 5,054 hours of counselling. UWS partially funded 211 Saskatchewan, a service that connects individuals to human services in the region through phone, email, or text. In F2022, 211 Saskatchewan received a total of 6,388 inquiries, of which 1,685 were mental health related. In the same fiscal year, 221 Saskatchewan’s website received 237,701 unique visits.

United Way of Saskatoon’s Moving People from Poverty to Possibility's focus is to ensure that everyone has access to the most basic human needs, such as food, shelter, and transportation. UWS funds Journey Home, a Housing-First program that began in 2014. Since its start, 110 chronically homeless individuals have been housed. In F2022, 74 clients received Housing-First case management care, and 87 participants received social and community reintegration services.  In F2022, UWS offered 12 workshops focusing on Registered Education Saving Plans and tax basics.

Its third area of focus is Helping Kids Be All They Can Be. The charity’s goals are to help children and youth do well in school, improve access to early childhood learning and assist youth in transitioning to post-secondary education and adulthood. In F2022, UWS had 138 mentors in its school mentoring program. UWS also reports that 1,440 participants joined the summer reading tents initiative. In F2022, UWS ran six Summer Success literacy camps that were attended by 100 students.

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Results and Impact

In F2022, UWS helped provide 13,050 meals to individuals experiencing homelessness. It also distributed 13,591 meals and snacks to youth and children during the months of July and August 2021. Summer Success literacy camps had a 69% attendance rate in F2022.

The charity reports that 99% of individuals and families who made a distress call when facing a crisis reported that the intervention service was helpful for their situations.

UWS also reports that it helped 159 individuals living with mental health issues find and maintain housing placements. Of these, 100% reported an improved quality of life.

While Ci highlights these results, they may not be a complete representation of UWS's results and impact. This charity is not yet rated for impact (n/r).

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United Way of Saskatoon and Area received $4.2m in donations in F2023. Fundraising costs are 19% of donations and administrative costs are 8% of revenues. This results in total overhead spending of 27%. For each dollar donated, 73 cents go to the cause. This is within Ci's reasonable range for overhead spending.

UWS has $3.1m in reserve funds. These are the charity’s cash and investments. UWS can cover program and grant expenses for just under 1 year at the F2023 level.

This charity report is an update that has been sent to United Way of Saskatoon and Area for review. Changes and edits may be forthcoming.

Updated on July 6, 2023 by Alessandra Castino.

Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending March
Administrative costs as % of revenues 7.7%10.4%7.5%
Fundraising costs as % of donations 19.3%15.4%14.5%
Total overhead spending 27.1%25.9%22.0%
Program cost coverage (%) 98.0%109.6%64.1%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $s
Donations 4,233,0214,082,1204,033,072
Government funding 26,25695,3472,069,902
Investment income 67,6909,74110,040
Other income 519,780146,466187,973
Total revenues 4,846,7474,333,6746,300,987
Program costs 1,421,822850,258603,880
Grants 1,707,1081,823,4723,584,819
Donor-designated donations 429,408266,752289,727
Administrative costs 369,728450,899472,443
Fundraising costs 818,633629,568583,020
Total spending 4,746,6994,020,9495,533,889
Cash flow from operations 100,048312,725767,098
Capital spending 19,75713,4976,210
Funding reserves 3,066,2832,929,0972,682,934

Note: Ci allocated administrative expenses according to allocation of operating expenses from UWS's audited financial statements. Ci adjusted for deferred donations, affecting total revenues by $145k in F2023, $191k in F2022 and ($24k) in F2021.

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 15

Avg. compensation: $79,485

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +
$300k - $350k
$250k - $300k
$200k - $250k
$160k - $200k
$120k - $160k
$80k - $120k
$40k - $80k
< $40k

Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2022

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Comments & Contact

Comments added by the Charity:

No comments have been added by the charity.

Charity Contact

Website: www.unitedwaysaskatoon.ca
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: (306) 975-7700


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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001