229 Yonge Street, 4th Floor
Toronto, ON M5B 1N9
CEO: Carolyn Stewart
Board Chair: Meghan Nicholls

Charitable Reg. #:88526 0968 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:

[Charity Rating: 5/5]



Audited financial statements for current and previous years available on the charity’s website.



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 95 cents are available for programs.

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About Feed Ontario:

Feed Ontario is a five-star financially transparent charity with a Good demonstrated impact score. It has an A results reporting grade, which is above average. For every dollar donated to the charity, 95 cents are available to go to the cause.

Founded in 1992, Feed Ontario and its network of 1,200 food banks fight Ontario food insecurity. The charity maintains established partnerships with local farmers, large regional food banks like Food Banks Mississauga, and grocery outlets like Metro. Using its network and partnerships, the charity provides meals and groceries to those in need. Feed Ontario also redistributes wasted edible food and provides grants to its network food banks. According to the charity, the number of unique visitors rose 38% in F2023. The charity also states that 69% and 53% of Ontario food banks are concerned with insufficient food donations and funding respectively. The charity runs three programs: food distribution, network services & support, and research & advocacy. Since Feed Ontario did not disclose total program spending in the fiscal year ending March 2023 (F2023), Ci estimated the charity’s program spending breakdown.

A Charity Intelligence 2024 Top 10 Impact: Canadian Food Banks.

A Charity Intelligence 2024 Top 100 Rated Charity.

Food distribution was 71% of the charity’s program spending. In F2023, Feed Ontario distributed 7,300,000 lb of food to 1,200 Ontario food banks in its network, helping 592,308 unique individuals across 4,300,000 visits. Partnering with local farmers, the charity provided 34,977 beef and 1,074,857 chicken meals, 1,025,230 litres of milk, and 98,445 packs of eggs. The charity also salvaged 850,000 lb of food from grocery outlets like Food Basics and Metro in F2023.

Network services and support was 20% of the charity’s program spending. In F2023, the charity partnered with 30 local farmers and rescued 241,300 lb of food as part of its Farm to Food subprogram. The charity also saved over 1,000,000 lb of fresh and non-perishable food in collaboration with Food Banks Mississauga and the Food Bank of Waterloo Region. The charity also gave 30 grants and led 21 capacity building projects for its network.

Research and advocacy was 9% of the charity's program spending. In F2023, Feed Ontario published 2 research reports and delivered 7 policy recommendations in its 2023 pre-budget submission to the Ontario government. These policy recommendations received endorsements from 141 Feed Ontario network members.

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Results and Impact

Feed Ontario distributed 7,300,000 lb of food to 592,308 unique individuals in F2023 across 4,300,000 visits. This means that each client received an average of 12.4 lb of food over F2023 with an average of 1.7 lb of food provided per visit.

While Ci highlights these key results, they may not be a complete representation of Feed Ontario’s results and impact.

Charity Intelligence has given Feed Ontario a Good impact score based on its demonstrated impact per dollar spent.

A Charity Intelligence 2024 Top 10 Impact: Canadian Food Banks.

Impact Rating: High

My anchor


In F2023, Feed Ontario received $3.2 m in cash donations and $17.1m worth of donated food in F2023, a 75% and 4% increase from F2022 respectively. Administrative costs are 2% of revenues and fundraising costs are 3% of donations, resulting in 5% total overhead spending. This within Ci's reasonable range and means that for every dollar donated, 95 cents are available to go to the cause.

In F2023, Feed Ontario spent $4.1m on its programs and grants which is 95% of revenues excluding donated food.

At the end of F2023, Feed Ontario had $5.6m in reserve funds (cash and investments) which covers 137% or slightly over 16 months of its annual program spending. This means that the charity can sustain its programs for 16 months in the absence of funding.

Profile updated June 4, 2024 by Julian Dranitsaris. Comments and corrections may be forthcoming.

Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending March
Administrative costs as % of revenues 2.2%1.9%0.3%
Fundraising costs as % of donations 3.0%6.8%1.3%
Total overhead spending 5.2%8.7%1.6%
Program cost coverage (%) 136.6%91.9%20.9%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $000s
Donations 3,1751,8133,193
Goods in kind 17,09017,76241,690
Government funding 4623,66728,727
Fees for service 610642432
Investment income 1123321
Other income 5251153
Total revenues 21,50023,96974,215
Program costs 2,5482,14214,522
Grants 1,5414,65419,408
Donated goods exp 17,09017,76241,690
Administrative costs 469462241
Fundraising costs 9412340
Total spending 21,74325,14375,901
Cash flow from operations (242)(1,174)(1,686)
Capital spending 9653170
Funding reserves 5,5856,2487,097

Note: 1. LINE ITEM COSTING: Feed Ontario uses line item costing. Ci referred to the charity’s T3010 filings with the CRA for administrative costs in F2023. 2. GOVERNMENT DEFERRED ADJUSTMENT: Feed Ontario uses deferred accounting. To show this information on a consistent basis, Ci adjusts revenues for changes in deferred government funding. This affected revenues by ($1.4m), ($1.7m), and ($3.0m) in F2023, F2022, and F2021 respectively. 3. NON-GOVERNMENT DEFERRED CONTRIBUTION ADJUSTMENT: Ci also removed deferred contributions from donations. This affected revenues by $703k, ($113k), and $1.1m in F2023, F2022, and F2021 respectively. 4. DEFERRED CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED: Ci also added contributions received for capital asset purchases. This affected revenues by $52k, $51k, and $153k in F2023, F2022, and F2021 respectively. 5. DEFERRED CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS AMORTIZED: Ci also removed amortization of deferred capital contributions. This affected revenues by ($30k), ($30k), and ($2k) in F2023, F2022, and F2021 respectively. 6. AMORTIZATION: Ci removed amortization on a pro-rate basis applied to program, administrative, and fundraising costs.

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 13

Avg. compensation: $73,560

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +
$300k - $350k
$250k - $300k
$200k - $250k
$160k - $200k
$120k - $160k
$80k - $120k
$40k - $80k
< $40k

Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2023

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Comments & Contact

Comments added by the Charity:

Comment added by Julian Dranitsaris on 9 October 2024:

From securing fresh and healthy food sources, to driving change through policy research and innovative programming, Feed Ontario unites food banks, industry partners, and local communities in our work to end hunger and poverty. 
Our work is guided by the following three pillars:
Through our FeedON Pillar, we work in partnership with Ontario’s agricultural, food, and grocery sectors to ensure food banks are stocked with fresh, healthy food they need to support their communities. Further supported by strategic partnerships with the corporate sector and transportation industry, Feed Ontario is able to make every $1 donated go further by leveraging our bulk purchasing power. For every $1 donated, Feed Ontario is able to provide two meals to someone facing hunger.
Through our Feed Possibility Pillar, Feed Ontario helps to build the capacity of local food banks to best serve their community. We do this by providing training, grant opportunities and by equipping them with the resources they need including fridges, freezers and warehouse shelving to ensure a stronger, more resilient network.
We Feed Change by researching the root-causes of food insecurity, raising awareness of hunger in our province, and advocating on behalf of evidence-based solutions. It is only through our collective action that we will end hunger and poverty in Ontario.
We are only able to do this work because of generous donors in communities all across Ontario.

Learn More: Feed Ontario 2023 Impact Report

Charity Contact

Website: feedontario.ca
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 416-656-4100


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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001