A-Z Charity Listing
Charity Intelligence has reports on approximately 800 charities. You can also use the search box above by typing keywords like "education", "veterans", "food banks", "international" or cities e.g. "Calgary", "QC" to help find charities that match your interests, or browse the Search by Sector page.
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So every young person realizes their full potential.
Social Services - Youth
Calgary, AB
Start something.
Social Services - Youth
Burlington, ON
Building thriving communities through mentorship
Social Services - Youth
Toronto, ON
To put a mentor into the life of every child and youth who needs one.
Social Services - Youth
Vancouver, BC
Ignite the power and potential of young people.
Social Services - Youth
Vancouver, BC
Canada's voice for the birds
Port Rowan, ON
Working towards a commmunity without poverty.
Social Services
Edmonton, AB
Working to improve the health and well-being of Black communities.
Social Services
Toronto, ON
See red? See your doctor.
Health - Cancer
Toronto, ON
to see a generous world where charities thrive
Fundraising Organization
Kitchener, ON
Transforming lives one book at a time.
Social Services
Toronto, ON
A good place to be. | Start something.
Social Services - Youth
Edmonton, AB
A good place to be.
Social Services - Youth
Ottawa, ON
Every single kid counts
Social Services - Youth
Calgary, AB
Opportunity changes everything
Social Services - Youth
Vancouver, BC
The brain, a space of discovery
Montreal, QC
Hope and Support is Found Here
Health - Cancer
London, ON
For Families. For the Environment.
Social Services - Clothing Bank
Toronto, ON
Breakfast: the first bite to success!
Social Services - Youth
Boucherville, QC
An End to Breast Cancer
Health - Cancer
North Sarnia, ON