Search by Sector

  • Moorelands Community Services [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Bridging the opportunity gap for kids.

    Social Services - At-Risk Youth

    Toronto, ON

  • Muslim Welfare Canada [Charity Rating: 2/5]

    Service to Humanity is service to Allah.

    Social Services

    Scarborough, ON

  • Mustard Seed Street Church [Charity Rating: 3/5]

    Nurturing faith, hope, and love.

    Social Services

    Victoria, BC

  • Nankind [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    Providing mothers with cancer a little extra support.

    Social Services

    Toronto, ON

  • National Service Dogs [Charity Rating: 2/5]

    Empowering people to achieve their full potential with strategically trained and certified service dogs, catalysts for restorative change.

    Social Services

    Cambridge, ON

  • Nellie's [Charity Rating: 4/5]

    Shelter, education & advocacy for all women and children

    Social Services - Women

    Toronto, ON

  • New Circles Community Services [Charity Rating: 2/5]

    Clothing. Connections. Community.

    Social Services

    Toronto, ON

  • North York Harvest Food Bank [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    A community where all members are able to meet their food needs.

    Social Services - Food Bank (Multi-Service Agency)

    Toronto, ON

  • Onward Homes [Charity Rating: 2/5]

    Providing homes for people in need.

    Social Services - Homeless

    Calgary, AB

  • Ottawa Food Bank [Charity Rating: 5/5]

    People succeed when they aren't hungry. We make that happen.

    Social Services - Food Bank (Distributor)

    Ottawa, ON

  • Ottawa Mission [Charity Rating: 4/5]

    more than a shelter

    Social Services - Homeless (Shelter)

    Ottawa, ON

  • Our Place [Charity Rating: 4/5]

    Live, share and grow together.

    Social Services - Homeless (shelter)

    Victoria, BC

  • Pacific Assistance Dogs Society [Charity Rating: 4/5]

    You hold the key

    Social Services

    Burnaby, BC

  • Partners in Mission Food Bank [Charity Rating: 4/5]

    Providing nourishment and hope to those we serve.

    Social Services - Food Bank (Distributor)

    Kingston, ON

  • Pathways Clubhouse [Charity Rating: 4/5]

    Find mental wellness in a safe place

    Social Services - Homeless (Mental Health)

    Richmond, BC

  • Pine River Institute [Charity Rating: 2/5]

    A residential treatment centre and outdoor leadership experience.

    Social Services - At-Risk Youth

    Toronto, ON

  • Potential Place Society [Charity Rating: 3/5]

    A world where people with a mental illness are able to lead productive and rewarding lives.

    Social Services

    Calgary, AB

  • Feeding Hungry Minds

    Social Services - Youth

    Brampton, ON

  • Quest Food Exchange [Charity Rating: 2/5]

    Reduce hunger with dignity. Build community. Foster stability.

    Social Services - Food Bank (Distributer)

    Vancouver, BC

  • Rainbow Railroad [Charity Rating: 4/5]

    We help persecuted LGBTQI+ individuals get to safety

    Social Services

    Toronto, ON


Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer, and homelessness. Today over 500,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.6 million charity reports. Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable and focused on results.


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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001