Nepal 2015 - Plan International evaluation
Donor report: Nepal Quake: Two Years On, Education Must Remain Top Priority
Raised: $28 million
Spending: 40% spent in areas of Nepal's highest needs, long-term shelter, cash supports, livelihood/farm supplies
Expertise: Development, with focus on education and girls
Key Highlights: Plan International had a good spending mix in cash and shelter: 40% of total disaster funds were spent in the three highest needs. Plan spent 21% of funds on cash grants to 13,298 households. Plan International spent 29% on transition shelter materials, with 10,089 households receiving metal sheeting and tools.
Plan International’s donor marketing positions its expertise in education, particularly with girls. Since the earthquake, Plan has built 12 new schools (not including temporary schools), with 10 more in construction. In addition, Plan International repaired and restocked 32 health clinics, built 227 water and sanitation facilities in temporary schools.
One drawback is Plan International distributed a lot of hygiene kits; 71,384 kits that cost between $1.4 million to $2.9 million (costs before storage and distribution). Growing evidence suggests hygiene kits have low to no impact. This money could be spent in other areas for better results.
More Charity Intelligence reports on Nepal Earthquake 2015 disaster response:
Summary assessment of Nepal disaster response by 10 charities Canadians supported
About Charity Intelligence: Charity Intelligence’s mission is to help Canadian donors be informed and give intelligently. We do this through objective and independent research on Canadian charities.
Charity Intelligence’s total costs to report and evaluate Nepal’s earthquake disaster response since April 2015 are $11,900. This is entirely funded by Canadian donors. If you found this evaluation useful, please share it with your friends and join us on Facebook and Twitter @CharityIntel
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