Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Canada
STAR RATINGCi's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics: |
Audited financial statements available only through official request for information from Charities Directorate.
Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.
The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.
Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.
For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 96 cents are available for programs.
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About Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Canada:
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Canada is a 1-star charity with a below-average results reporting grade of C. For every dollar donated, 96 cents are available to go towards the cause. Its reserve funds can cover one year and three months of annual program costs.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Canada (Church of Jesus Christ) is a Christian faith that was first brought to Canada in 1830. It spreads teachings from the Old Testament, New Testament, and Book of Mormon. Church of Jesus Christ uses religious commandments and faith to care for others. In 2022, Church of Jesus Christ spent $128.3m on its programs. Its main programs are Worldwide Aid, Caring for Those in Need, Building Self-Reliance, and JustServe. The Church did not provide a spending breakdown for these programs.
Worldwide Aid: The goal of this program is to provide the world with nutritious food, clean water, quality education, and healthcare. In 2022, the Church had many projects including 520 food security projects, 483 emergency response projects, 156 clean water projects, and 54 mobility projects. In 2022, the Church provided clean water for 626,475 people in Africa and the Middle East, and gave 4,785 people a wheelchair.
Caring for Those in Need: This program focuses on disaster response and welfare missions to those in crisis. In 2022, the Church had 174 refugee response projects, and 11,030 welfare missions. Church of Jesus Christ also provided people in Tonga with food, clothing, and water following an earthquake, volcanic eruption, and tsunami. This included 300 tons of supplies from Tahiti alone.
Building Self-Reliance: This program looks at developing life skills to enhance quality of life in the future. The projects include education, employment, food production, and counselling. In 2022, the Church built or repaired 342 classrooms, donated 57.3 million pounds of food, ran 525 addiction recovery meetings, and provided families with 195,491 hours of counselling.
JustServe: JustServe is an online community platform that gives members the opportunity to find both in-person and remote service opportunities. In 2022, 69,115 new JustServe users registered and 16,285 new JustServe projects were created.
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Results and Impact
The Building Self-Reliance program provides people with employment skills like creating a resume, interviewing for a job, and searching for work. In 2022, the Church reports 4,127 recorded job placements.
In 2022, Church of Jesus Christ also recycled 73,019,376 pounds of donated items rather than send them to the landfill.
While Charity Intelligence highlights these key results, they may not be a complete representation of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Canada’s results and impact. This charity is not yet rated on impact (n/r).
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In 2022, the Church received $184.8m in donations. Administrative costs are 4% of revenues (less investment income) and fundraising costs are 0% of donations. For every dollar donated, 96 cents are available to go towards the cause. This is just outside of Ci’s reasonable range for overhead spending. In 2022, Church of Jesus Christ spent $128.3m on its programs and grants which represents 65% of total revenues.
In 2022 the charity had reserve funds of $157.3m. These reserve funds can cover one year and three months of annual program costs.
Profile updated on July 19, 2024 by Abby Stout.
Financial Review
Fiscal year ending December
2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Administrative costs as % of revenues | 3.5% | 1.6% | 2.1% |
Fundraising costs as % of donations | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Total overhead spending | 3.5% | 1.6% | 2.1% |
Program cost coverage (%) | 122.6% | 83.2% | 87.4% |
Summary Financial StatementsAll figures in $000s |
2022 | 2021 | 2020 |
Donations | 184,811 | 190,063 | 179,465 |
Investment income | 4,699 | 1,547 | 1,737 |
Other income | 6,998 | 18,438 | 3,903 |
Total revenues | 196,508 | 210,048 | 185,105 |
Program costs | 65,364 | 56,943 | 54,236 |
Grants | 62,954 | 93,635 | 67,968 |
Administrative costs | 6,763 | 3,326 | 3,929 |
Fundraising costs | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Other costs | 17,139 | 13,818 | 19,117 |
Total spending | 152,220 | 167,722 | 145,250 |
Cash flow from operations | 44,288 | 42,326 | 39,855 |
Capital spending | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Funding reserves | 157,343 | 125,342 | 106,783 |
Salary Information
$350k + |
0 |
$300k - $350k |
0 |
$250k - $300k |
0 |
$200k - $250k |
0 |
$160k - $200k |
1 |
$120k - $160k |
8 |
$80k - $120k |
1 |
$40k - $80k |
0 |
< $40k |
0 |
Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2022
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Comments & Contact
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