39 McArthur Ave
Ottawa, ON K1L 8L7
Executive Director: Lauren Ravon
Director: Carolina Palacios

Charitable Reg. #:12971 6866 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:

[Charity Rating: 2/5]



Audited financial statements for current and previous years available on the charity’s website.



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 54 cents are available for programs.

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About Oxfam Canada:

Oxfam Canada is a two-star charity. Oxfam Canada's programs have a low demonstrated impact. It has a high results reporting grade. It is also financially transparent and has overhead costs outside Ci's reasonable range. The charity does not have large funding reserves and can cover less than 1 year of program costs. Before you give, read Charity Intelligence’s report.

Founded in 1963, Oxfam Canada (OXC) is an international aid charity focused on improving the material conditions of women and girls around the world. OXC is a branch of the charity Oxfam International, which has affiliated chapters across the world. OXC states that gender-based violence is one of the most prevalent human rights violations that disproportionally impacts women, girls, and people from other disadvantaged populations worldwide. It also reports that globally, complications during pregnancy and childbirth are the second cause of death for girls aged 15 to 19. OXC’s main areas of work are Long Term Development, Humanitarian Aid, and Advocacy and Campaigning.

OXC’s Long Term Development programs account for the bulk of OXC’s program spending, receiving $21m in F2023. The charity reports that these programs made up 73% of its spending. These programs aim to bring about long-term change. Among other activities, the charity conducted 156 community sensitization sessions to improve awareness of gender dynamics in F2023. It supported 75 public declarations and actions by influencers on the need for gender equality, in support of sexual and reproductive health and rights, and in support of women’s rights and leadership. Overall, it reports that 260,000 young women received help with sexual and reproductive health services.

OXC’s Humanitarian Aid program group aims to respond to urgent crises that require short-term assistance. In F2023, the charity distributed 26,832 hygiene and dignity kits. It also repaired, rehabilitated, repaired, installed, and upgraded 2,625 water points.

OXC’s Advocacy and Campaigning programs aim to bring about long-term change through legislative action. In F2023, the charity communicated 120 times with give Canadian fashion brands to discuss their progress towards paying their female workers a living wage. It hosted two Oxfam advocacy summits in F2023.

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Results and Impact

In F2023, the charity reports that 16 local governments have implemented referral mechanisms for women’s sexual health services. It also reports that 49,034 women of reproductive age involved in its programs are current users of family planning.

Oxfam Canada reports that its advocacy contributed to the federal government introducing a bill to legislate childcare in Canada in early 2024. It reports that it was a key contributor to the formation of a fund at the November 2022 COP27 climate summit to support low-income countries coping with climate change.

Charity Intelligence highlights these key results. They may not be a complete representation of Oxfam Canada's results. 

Charity Intelligence has given Oxfam Canada a Low impact rating based on demonstrated impact per dollar spent.


Impact Rating: Low

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In F2023, Oxfam Canada received $11.2m in donations. It also received $3.6m in international donations. It received $20.4m in government funding, accounting for 51% of total revenues. Fundraising costs are 40% of donations and administrative costs are 6% of revenues, for a total overhead spending of 46%. For every dollar donated to OXC, 54 cents are available to go to the cause. This is outside of Ci’s reasonable range.

The charity has $15.1m in reserve funds, which can cover F2023 levels of program spending for six months.

In F2023, OXC paid external fundraisers $36k to raise $1.7m, for an average cost of 47 cents per dollar raised.

This charity report is an update that has been senet to Oxfam Canada for review. Changes and edits may be forthcoming.

Updated on July 25, 2024 by Ben Dobozy

Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending March
Administrative costs as % of revenues 6.4%6.6%6.9%
Fundraising costs as % of donations 40.1%24.1%28.4%
Total overhead spending 46.4%30.7%35.3%
Program cost coverage (%) 50.2%49.5%58.4%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $000s
Donations 11,18011,9209,152
International donations 3,6094,1234,048
Government funding 20,42718,06116,022
Investment income 169(30)(68)
Other income 4,278(2,759)(135)
Total revenues 39,66331,31429,018
Program costs - International 27,38025,50121,422
Program costs - Canada 2,8232,0332,230
Administrative costs 2,5162,0632,000
Fundraising costs 4,4782,8732,600
Total spending 37,19832,46928,252
Cash flow from operations 2,465(1,155)767
Capital spending 5443240
Funding reserves 15,15013,63813,824

Note: Ci reported international donations based on the charity's T3010 filing with the CRA. International program costs were also reported based on the T3010 filing. Ci removed amortization of capital assets from program, fundraising, and administrative costs on a pro-rata basis. International Program expenses were adjusted to include advances to program partners, affecting expenses by $1.1m in F2023, ($377k) in F2022, and $12k in F2021.

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 85

Avg. compensation: $79,991

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +
$300k - $350k
$250k - $300k
$200k - $250k
$160k - $200k
$120k - $160k
$80k - $120k
$40k - $80k
< $40k

Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2023

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Comments & Contact

Comments added by the Charity:

Oxfam Canada’s vision is a just and sustainable world. Our mission is to fight inequality and patriarchy to end poverty and injustice. Oxfam Canada is one of 21 members of the global Oxfam confederation working in 90 countries to end poverty and injustice.

Oxfam Canada contributes to change on three fronts: humanitarian relief; long-term development; and advocacy and campaigning.  Through our humanitarian relief work, we provide emergency aid when disaster strikes or conflict breaks out. Through our long-term development work, we support projects that help people assert their rights and build better lives for themselves and their communities. Through our advocacy and campaigning, we harness the power of people to change the laws and practices that perpetuate inequality and keep people trapped in poverty. Working on these three fronts in tandem is what makes Oxfam unique. Our ambitions and our approach are outlined in our Oxfam Canada Strategic Framework 2021-25.

Accountability to our donors, our partners and the communities we work with is paramount to us. We are committed to full transparency about how we use donor funds, and to ensure that donations are managed well and ethically. Annually, Oxfam Canada complies with all prescribed regulatory requirements of the Canada Revenue Agency.  We are accredited by Imagine Canada – an accreditation given to charities and non-profits that have taken part in the Imagine Canada Standards Program by identifying and reducing organizational risk, improving board governance practices, being transparent and accountable with finances and fundraising, and fostering a strong workforce. Oxfam Canada’s current and past annual reports and audited financial statements are available at https://www.oxfam.ca/who-we-are/about-oxfam/finances-and-accountability/.

In 2020, as reported in Oxfam Canada’s annual T3010 Registered Charity Information Return submitted to the Canada Revenue Agency, Oxfam’s Canada’s expenses were: charitable programs 78.34%; management and administration costs 8.01%; fundraising 11.69%; gifts to other registered charities and other qualified donees 0.19%; and other 1.78%.  These percentages are calculated according to Canada Revenue Agency guidelines and based on Oxfam Canada’s audited financial statements.

Over the last three years, Oxfam Canada has taken crucial steps to invest in public fundraising to bolster our organizational resilience and sustainability. This has had an impact our fundraising ratios in the short term. The external fundraisers referred to in this Charity Intelligence report are fundraisers that recruit donors who will give ongoing monthly support rather than one-time donations. The return on investment is calculated over five years. This is a forward-looking strategy that provides predictable long-term funding for Oxfam Canada’s work, and which has already increased our capacity to respond to emergency and development needs, and do advocacy work to address the root causes of poverty. We expect fundraising costs to normalize in the coming few years. Oxfam Canada has also taken steps in recent years to build our Reserve Fund - a sign of Oxfam Canada’s commitment to our financial health, sustainability and resilience.

In partnership with our donors and supporters, Oxfam Canada is making lasting change. Visit Oxfam Canada’s website to find out more and learn how you can join us in the fight for equality and justice!

Added by the charity on August 23, 2021.

Charity Contact

Website: www.oxfam.ca
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 1-800-466-9326


Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer, and homelessness. Today over 500,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.6 million charity reports. Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable and focused on results.


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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001