One Yonge Street, Suite 1014
Toronto, ON M5E 1E5
CEO: Ken Aucoin
Board Chair: Manjit Mann

Charitable Reg. #:86432 6814 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:

[Charity Rating: 5/5]



Audited financial statements for current and previous years available on the charity’s website.



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 62 cents are available for programs.

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About Jump Math:

JUMP Math is a 5-star charity with High impact and an above-average results reporting score. Its overhead costs are outside Ci’s reasonable range for overhead spending and it has reserve funds to cover program costs for 6 months. For every dollar donated to the charity, 62 cents are available for the cause.

Founded in 2002, JUMP Math’s programs and resources help grades K-8 students understand and appreciate math. It believes that math can help children reach their full potential. Its program helps students combat “math anxiety” through Structured Inquiry. Structured Inquiry focuses on understanding concepts and building student confidence. Research on the science of learning informs JUMP Math's programs. In the fiscal year ending April 2023 (F2023), JUMP Math reached over 329k students and over 30k teachers.

A Charity Intelligence 2024 Top Canadian Impact Charity.

A Charity Intelligence 2024 Top 100 Rated Charity

In F2023, JUMP Math programs operated in schools across Canada and parts of the United States. JUMP Math is also a non-profit publisher. It subsidizes the cost of its print resources to make them more affordable. Free digital resources are available online for teachers and parents/guardians. In F2023, over 29k teachers signed up to access free resources and over 30k free resources were downloaded.

JUMP Math mainly works in Canada. It has partnerships with the governments of Alberta and Ontario. It also works in the United States, Spain, Chile, Colombia, and Bulgaria. It collaborates with the following academic institutions: the University of Toronto, the University of Calgary, SRI International, the University of Manitoba, and Louisiana Tech University.

JUMP Math also collaborates with Indigenous communities in Canada. In F2023, JUMP Math reached over 10k students in remote First Nations and Inuit communities.

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Results and Impact

In 2023, JUMP Math released a report in partnership with Louisiana Tech University. The report collected data across seven schools in three Louisiana school districts that implemented JUMP Math’s tutorial system for grades 4-7. The study supported the effectiveness of the JUMP Math tutorial system, demonstrating evidence of student performance improvement after completion of the JUMP Math module. Student scores increased 12.59 points on average in the Grade 7 Expressions and Equations Module. The Grade 5 Algebra Module also showed a statistically significant increase in pre/post scores of 5.8 points. 

The program changed students' attitudes towards math. There was a 15% increase in students who agreed with the statement “Math is my favorite subject” after completing the program. There also an 8% increase in students who agreed with the statement "When facing difficult module problems I am certain that I will solve them"

While Ci highlights these key results, they may not be a complete representation of JUMP Math’s results and impact.

Ci has rated JUMP Math as High impact based on demonstrated social impact per dollar spent. Read our report for details on how we calculate JUMP Math’s impact.

A Charity Intelligence 2024 Top Canadian Impact Charity.

Impact Rating: High

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JUMP Math received donations of $1.9m in F2023. 86% of donations are from foundation grants and corporate donations, with the remaining 14% from individuals. Income from resource sales and licensing fees is $6.2m in F2023 accounting for 75% of total revenue. The charity also received $10k in government funding, a significant drop from $648k in F2022.

JUMP Math uses line-item costing. Ci used JUMP Math’s T3010 filing to the CRA to determine program, fundraising, and administrative costs. Administrative costs are 21% of total revenues (less investment income) and fundraising costs are 17% of donations. This results in a total overhead spend of 38%, which is outside Ci’s reasonable range for overhead spending. For every dollar donated to JUMP Math, 62 cents are available for the cause. In F2023, JUMP Math spent $5.7m on its programs in Canada and the United States, and on grants. $5.5m was spent on programs in Canada, $99k was spent on programs in the U.S, and $100k was spent on grants. Total program spending is 69% of its total revenue in F2023.

In F2023, JUMP Math has a surplus of $463k (5% of total revenue) and spent $19k on capital expenditures.

At the end of F2023, JUMP Math has $2.9m in funding reserves, which can cover 51% or 6 months of its annual program costs.

This charity report is an update that was sent for review to JUMP Math. Changes and edits may be forthcoming.

Updated on May 24, 2024, by Thea Clark.

Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending April
Administrative costs as % of revenues 21.1%18.4%22.7%
Fundraising costs as % of donations 17.3%18.2%19.0%
Total overhead spending 38.5%36.6%41.7%
Program cost coverage (%) 50.9%36.2%35.5%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $000s
Donations 1,9281,175608
Government funding 10648618
Fees for service 6,2466,1484,083
Investment income 1953
Other income 726179
Total revenues 8,2758,0375,391
Program costs - International 9871235
Program costs - Canada 5,5344,0973,141
Grants 1001000
Administrative costs 1,7451,4801,223
Fundraising costs 334213116
Total spending 7,8125,9624,715
Cash flow from operations 4632,075676
Capital spending 1949
Funding reserves 2,9161,5461,197

Note: DEFERRED REVENUE: JUMP Math uses deferred accounting. To show donors this information on a consistent basis, Ci adjusts for these deferred revenues. This affected revenue by $104k in F2023, $372k in F2022, and ($29k) in F2021. JUMP Math does not report on whether deferred grants are government or foundation. Ci assumed deferred grants were foundation grants for F2023, F2022, and F2021, and included deferred grants in Canadian donations. LINE-ITEM COSTING: JUMP Math uses line item costing without allocating expenses by activity. Ci used the charity’s T3010 filing with the CRA for program, administrative, and fundraising expenses in F2023, F2022, and F2021. AMORTIZATION: Ci removed amortization from program, administrative, and fundraising costs on a pro-rata basis in F2023, F2022, and F2021.

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 45

Avg. compensation: $76,025

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +
$300k - $350k
$250k - $300k
$200k - $250k
$160k - $200k
$120k - $160k
$80k - $120k
$40k - $80k
< $40k

Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2023

My anchor

Comments & Contact

Comments added by the Charity:

August 15, 2024.

At $8 million in annual revenues, JUMP Math is a mid-sized charitable organization with a mission to make a more numerate and equitable society for all through mathematics education. The overhead costs in 2022-23 of 38% for administration and fundraising, though slightly outside Charity Intelligence’s reasonable range, helped professionalize, build out, and strengthen JUMP Math’s infrastructure adding:

  • human resource staff and processes;
  • information technology and information management services, including new equipment and software;
  • professional communications staff to bring the JUMP Math offerings to broader attention; and
  • more finance and accounting staff to support an increased number of transactions and projects.

This investment was necessary for the growth and greater reach that success is bringing to JUMP Math, having increased its revenue from $5 million in 2020-21. 

Charity Contact

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 416-596-7716


Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities for donors to be informed and give intelligently. Our website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer, and homelessness. Today over 500,000 Canadians use our website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.6 million charity reports. Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable and focused on results.


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Charitable Registration Number: 80340 7956 RR0001